Prakriti, Dosha Defined

Prakriti means “nature,” and it refers not only to the natural universe but also to a person’s nature—to that distinct constellation of qualities native to an individual.


A human being is composed of 3 vehicles of the inner self. Manas (mind), Sharira (body), Atma (soul) Ayurveda theorizes that each of us possesses, from conception, a unique sacred component. Our mind-body in particular is defined by dosha, the individuated percentage of vata, pitta, and kapha humors of the Mahabhutas (sometimes termed bhoutic composition). Our prakriti is our own permanent authentic mind-body-soul template innate within the atma giving a template of our authentic being from the culmination of light in our first moment of bodily existence(See Jyotish Natal). Our prakriti is the template for our original soul print and therefore personally ideal individuation within that can be explored and awakened with unity, harmony, election.

Dosha and Prakriti are not necessarily equal.

Dosha is a Sanskrit word that means “fault,” “defect,” or “that which darkens.” It comes from the root dush, meaning “to become corrupt, dualistic, variable, or imbalanced.” A classical text of Ayurveda, the Charaka Samhita, employs it mainly to indicate excess or dearth that is capable of causing disease. Meaning a person individually also has a natural tendency towards duality, cultivating imbalances as well as the cultivation of consciousness and union. Yet dosha is of vital importance. Dosha is defined by the psychophysiology of ones dominant marker. Ayurveda is seen as an expert in this field and can relay incredible information about ones key constitutional imbalances in several scientific ways to foster mind-body-soul alignment.


In Ayurveda ones Dosha is an invaluable keystone for discerning tendency and nature, and balancing pacifying path.

While a rare soul may be born with the perfect harmonic tridoshic proportions (33 1/3 percent of each dosha), most of us have a constitution that’s dominated by one or two, vital humors.  Each person has a leading dosha in composition, for example we can say someone has a kapha dosha if their constitutional profile is dominated with Kapha this would look like V12,P10,K18, #18 being the larger numeric representing proportion of the dominant humor(see dosha quiz).  There are 7 dosha combinations they are singular, dual, and tridoshic. When a person knows their dosha then they have a valuable point of reference to maintain a path for health, wellness, well being and journey.  Ones dosha tells a wellness counselor which is the leading humor in ones Prakriti, that when strengthened culminates balance, balance is considered healthy (swastha).

Ayurveda’s defines dosha health as per the classical text Susutra Samitha by Acharya Susruta as:

“Samadosha, samagnischa,  samadhatu mala kriyaha,  prasanna atmendriya manaha, swasthaiti abhidhiyate”

In short: A healthy person is defined as one whom maintains equilibrium of their dosha, has strong digestive metabolic renewal (agni),  their vital tissues (dhatus) are healing and renewing every regenerative cycle, their thinking is clear, their mind is sattvic,their waste product of un-metabolized  matter is clear and  eliminated regularly, their senses  (indriyas) are sharp, and the person is peaceful, consciously living in accordance to their souls wisdom. 


All sustainable life on Earth is derived from 5 vital building blocks.
Elements called Panchamahabhutas are the inner mechanics of living matter. Ether ((also known as Space, Akash)), Air (Vayu), Fire (Tejas), Water (Aap), Earth (Prithvi) are vital to life.
Ayurveda is a viable science defining quantum physics. Ayurveda defines all life can be traced to 5 elements. It has been scientifically proven these 5 core elements are vital to sustainable life.

According to Ayurveda, there are five key essential elements contained in all we know as living matter. These elemental components exist in the air we breath, to Earths 7 known kingdoms, such as the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, to the inner workings and vital functioning of our bodies, our mind, as well as the composition of our natural foods. 

Ayurveda is a science of longevity, which led into the study of the vital elements. They noted these elements are contained in all living matter, prana, and are the same vital forms that contain Prakriti. Aurveda’s principal understanding of these vital elements note they are paramount to the in-depth inner workings of the body, mind. Ayurveda postulates that the panchamahabutas are vital components for developing sound, taste, touch, smell, et al.


When the vital living elements within ones essential constitution are cared for then the elements heal and renew. 

Based upon the Sankhya Philosophy, Ayurveda infers that the Panchmahabhutas (bhutas) are part of the divine aspect of a cell. They are noted as factors of capability to sustain longevity, that enacts renewable biological function, refines psyche of persona, refines sensory systems and capability.  When refined continues cleansing authentic mind-body state for being. Here the endocrine and sensory organs  by way of renewal may enhance in consciousness with lifestyle choices supporting balance.  However  before such, the elements are vital to care for in their humor state which is called dosha. The tridoshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha form unique identifiable matrix’s (bhoutic composition) that can be traced and defined as a dominating fingerprint. This dominant humor requires the most attention, validation, support.


Ayurveda’s science founded how to study, clarify, and restore vital elements within the mind, body. The study of the five vital elements is magnificent.