Pitta and or Fire Element Imbalances

Pitta is the dosha body-type derived from the bhoutic composition of Fire and Water. You do not have to be a Pitta dosha to have an Fire imbalance.

  • You can be a Pitta dosha, with a Pitta vikriti (disorder). 
  • You can be Vata or Kapha, or dual dosha with a Pitta Vikriti.
  • In both cases a balance plan and support from a wellness counselor can support you.

The elements of fire and water is responsible for conversion and expresses as the body’s metabolic system. It governs digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism and body temperature. In balance, pitta promotes cellular health, and spiritually understanding and intelligence. Out of balance, pitta arouses emotional polarity, namely anger, rage.

A Partial List of Fire Element Imbalances: 

SYMPTOMS OF DIGESTIVE IMBALANCE, OR LOW AGNI: Variable digestion, resistance to food or over eating, reflux or upset taste, running hot during digestion period, frequent headaches, bloating and gas/wind, weight problems, sight problems, strong food cravings, irregular bowls, irregular stool, upset stomach, yellow tongue coating, taste is off, craving of the wrong foods, reaction to oily cooked or fried foods.

RAJASTIC STATE: Angry, resentful, jealous, controlling, resentful, overly intense, manipulative, stubborn, arrogant,  materialistic, hot headed, tendency to erupt with anger, loud, aggressive, When Imbalanced: Overly competitive, assertive imbalanced need to compete, overly extroverted, likes to be the center of attention. aggressive, quick tempered workaholic, overly ambitious, burns candle at both ends.  MIND: Ego centered. egotistical, enjoyment of power trips, critical and judgmental, rule the roost  TAMASIC STATE:  Suppression of emotion, stuck demeaning (especially to vata and kapha), hateful, violent, vindictive (For a tamasic licensed therapy is strongly suggested)

COMMON PITTA DISORDERS: Disorders of the stomach, digestion, small intestine,liver, pancreas. serums, gastritis, ulcers, reflux, heartburn, acidity, hyperacidity.  Skin rashes and psoriasis, Inflammation, diarrhea, baldness or hair growth problems, eye disorders, bloodshot eyes, canker sores, sore throat and tonsillitis. Excess hunger and thirst, appendicitis, bad breath, hemorrhoids,  hepatitis, Infections. Intolerance to heat, especially hot, humid weather, food allergies (especially to nuts), Inflammation of the muscle tissue especially in the shoulders and mid back.